Employee Wellness Initiatives
Are a Win-Win
As your HR Manager undoubtedly knows, support for employee physical and mental health really pays off. From the Harvard Business Review to the Journal of Business Psychology, the data are clear: employee wellness initiatives are proven and powerful contributors to greater productivity, reduced absence, improved morale, and decreased health care costs.
We Can Help You With That
Onboard our state of the art mobile medical units, MobileMD physicians and allied health professionals deliver a wide array of health services, right at your company doorstep. And the best part? All you have to do is notify your staff when we are coming, and we do the rest. Employees interested in our services simply visit our website where they can link to further information about our services and providers, and book an appointment on your company’s scheduled day.
We Save Time
Bringing our providers and services to you eliminates the valuable downtime needed for employees to travel to offsite appointments.
We Save Money
The convenience, ease and availability of onsite, timely health screening results in early diagnosis and treatment for chronic and other disease indicators, before complex and costly interventions become necessary.
MobileMD providers bill patients directly for services, and all insurances are accepted.
We Build Initiative — A Human Factors Approach
Ease and access contributes directly to productivity and work safety by incentivizing your staff to take advantage of our services, thereby maintaining their healthy best.
What We Offer
Whatever your staff needs! Our minority owned service and providers are particularly attuned to the specific health needs and concerns of the diversity represented by your employee population. MobileMD can bring an array of services to you – such as
- Covid Testing
- Employee Physicals
- Wellness exams
- Vaccinations
- PSA testing
- HIV screening
- Stroke risk assessment
- Chronic back/spine pain
- Neurological issues
- Chiropractic Services
- Lab services
- Lead level testing
- Carpal tunnel assessment/referral
- Musculoskeletal health assessment/referral
Could supporting employee health and wellness get any easier?
Click on Contact Us below and schedule your company’s site visits with MobileMD today!